Compact design
Priority scan & talk back
Voice guide
Internal vox/hands-free ready
Built-in voice scrambler
Fleetsync™ ptt id & selcall
Programmable function keys
Optimum audio
14-hour battery pack
Tough & water resistant
frequency Range400-480MHz
Number of Channels16
Channel Spacing Wide/Narrow 25kHz/12.5kHz
Channel Step5, 6.25kHz
Operating Voltage7.5V DC±20%
Battery Life (5-5-90 duty cycle with battery saver off)Approx. 14 hours
with KNB-29N (1500mAh)
Operating Temperature Range-30°C ~ +60°C
-10°C ~ +60°C when KNB-29N in use
Frequency Stability ±2.5ppm (-30°C ~ +60°C)
Antenna Impedance50Ω
Channel Frequency Spread 20MHz
Dimensions (W x H x D), Projections not Included Radio Only 54 x 122 x 21.1 mm
with KNB-29N 54 x 122 x 33 mm
Weight (net) Radio Only 160g
with KNB-29N 360g